Thursday, January 24, 2013

Assignment #2 - Which Method is Best?

            Program evaluation has many merits, but choosing the appropriate method may not be clear initially. The Prenatal Exercise Program, an initiative meant to promote physical activity among Aboriginal women during their childbearing years, also strived to achieve the goal of decreasing the rate of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), which is quite high within this demographic. The most effective method to evaluate this program is Michael Scriven’s methods. Scriven approaches evaluation using either formative or summative means; in this case, summative evaluation would be appropriate. Summative evaluation is used at the end of a program to prove its effectiveness; the information provided under Program Participants and Description indicate that the program does have success, as many of the obstacles that could have challenged the women were eliminated. Because of the success, formative evaluation is not necessary, as changes are not necessary. What needs to be determined is the effectiveness of the program – is it reaching its goal of promoting regular activity? More importantly, is the long-term goal of reducing type 2 diabetes being achieved? The study took place over two years, which appears to be enough time to determine whether women regularly attended for the duration, and if they continued after the study. Because the women were given educational materials at the sessions, it would interesting to note whether they had an impact as well.  While the program appears to be positive, the worth and value needs to be evaluated, especially when there is funding involved, and so much support from the community. Interviews, surveys, and details about attendance would provide a wealth of information for all people involved. A summative evaluation would indicate whether the focus needs to change, and overall, if there is benefit to the program.

1 comment:

  1. Somanta

    I support your choice of a summative evaluation of the program. You make a solid case for its use with this particular initiative. Presenting a variety of ways to measure the outcomes is also helpful in supporting the choice you make.

