Thursday, February 7, 2013

Assignment #4 - Logic Model





Statement of the overall purpose of the project
Specific statements of what the project sets out to accomplish
Specific tasks to complete through implementation of the project
Immediate results (direct products of project activities)
Intermediate results (1 to 3 years after project starts)
Long-term results (3 to 10 years after project starts)
To increase achievement  rates in grade 9 students

To improve attendance in grade 9 students.

To build resiliency in grade 9 students by establishing relationships with one main teacher.
Students will attend more regularly because of one teacher tracking them.( 3 year pilot)

Students’ achievement will increase based on improved attendance (3 year pilot)

Students will understand the value of attendance and success and take these skills with them to grade 10 when they are not in specific groupings. (1 year)
Students will feel a sense of responsibility based on relationships established – between students, teachers, and parents.
Establish the program as 3 year pilot project

Identify 5 teachers who are willing to teach all subjects to one group of grade 9 students all day

Organize preliminary reading tests (Gray Silent Reading Test (GSRT)) – to administer in fall

Organize math assessments – to administer in fall

Retests in spring

Create portfolios and evaluation plans for each student

Train all teachers in Assessment for Learning techniques (AFL) with Anne Davies

Track attendance over the 3 year period and compare to attendance for grade 9 students in the past.

Attendance will improve in all classes.

Test scores will improve

Homework will be regularly completed.

Attitudes towards school will improve
Students will feel more of a sense of accountability because there is one teacher who is keeping track of them.

Students will stay enrolled in school.

Students will realize more success in grades 10, 11, and 12

Students will set a goal to graduate

Students will establish relationships with peers and teachers that will assist in their future success.
Students will graduate

Students will seek post-secondary education because they see the value of education

Students will be contributing members of society
Goals and Objectives represent the Strategic Directions of your Project
Activities comprise the Project Work Plan, which should include details for each activity (Who?, What?, When?, Where? How?)
Outputs link directly to project activities; activities are what is done…outputs are the expected results of what is done
Outcomes relate to your objectives; objectives are desired, outcomes are the expected results
Impacts relate to goals; a goal is desired, impacts are the expected end-results

This logic model outlines information that I have gathered about the program so far. The information mainly came from talking to teachers who have been involved in the process since the initial start up. While this was originally set up as a three year pilot project by the Saskatoon Public School Division, the initial data proved that it was highly successful in retaining kids; consequently, the division cancelled the pilot status and allowed it to continue without parameters from the division. Data was tracked the first year, and the results were encouraging; before the program, failure rates (failing at least on class) were at 50% before the program. Once the program was implemented, this number decreased dramatically. Test scores were also compared from fall and spring and results were positive. There has been no data tracked since the first couple of years, and there is no data to indicate whether the program’s benefits carried on to the following years. There is a concern that while the program shelters the grade 9 students and is overall quite positive for them, the benefits are not carrying through to the remaining years in high school. There is data collected over a four year period, but nothing was done with it, so I do have resources to work with. Teachers in the program and past administration involved in the process are also a wealth of knowledge and are willing to provide any information needed.

Assignment #3 - Evaluation Assessment

Engage Stakeholders

Who should be involved?
 Grade 9 Program teachers, resource teacher, students, parents, school board
How might they be engaged?
By determining if the goals are being met and if the program is more beneficial than detrimental.

          Focus the Evaluation

What are you going to evaluate?  Describe program (logic model).
The Grade Nine Learning Community at Mount Royal Collegiate
What is the purpose of the evaluation?
To determine whether the program is allowing for a smooth transition from grade eight, and helping to retain students.
Who will use the evaluation? How will they use it?
How will they use the information?
Program Teachers
They can make changes to the program depending on the results.
School Administrators
Determine whether the program should continue or not.

What questions will the evaluation seek to answer?
Does the program actually help to transition kids from grade eight to grade nine?
How does it prepare them for grade ten if the program is similar to grade eight groupings?
Does it help retain students more effectively than without the program?
Are the relationships authentic – do they continue past grade 9 and consequently lead to success in later years.
What information do you need to answer the questions?
What I wish to know
Indicators – How will I know it?
Attendance data before and after the program was in place
If attendance improved, then the program has some benefit.
Reading and math scores before and after program
If better after, benefit to the program.
Failure rates before and after program.
If students are not failing as many classes as before the program was implemented, then it would indicate merit.
Grade 9 attendance data compared to grade 10 attendance data
If attendance is good in grade 9 and changes significantly in grade 10 it would indicate several things about the program.
When is the evaluation needed?
By the end of the 2012-2013 school year to determine if changes need to be made for next year.

What evaluation design will you use?
A mix of Stake’s Countenance Model, and Scriven’s Summative Model
          Collect the information

What sources of information will you use?
Existing information:
Attendance reports, test results
Teachers in the program, resource teacher, administration,
Pictorial records and observations:

What data collection method(s) will you use?

Document review


Expert panel

Group techniques

Simulated problems or situations

Case study

Journal, log, diary

Unobtrusive measures

Photos, videos
Attendance Reports
Other (list)

Instrumentation: What is needed to record the information?
A program to compile the attendance reports to determine if change has occurred.

When will you collect data for each method you’ve chosen?
Before program
During program
Immediately after
Interview/survey past students of the program


Interview/survey teachers in the program


Attendance reports


Will a sample be used? 


If yes, describe the procedure you will use.
Students in grades 9, 10 and 12 will be used to gain information about their take on the program.

          Analyze and Interpret

How will the data be analyzed?
Data analysis methods:
Analyze the surveys to determine if students find benefit to the program –interview grade 9, 10 and 12 students – students who are in the program, recently out of the program, and students who have had time to reflect on the program.
Teacher responses will also be analyzed to determine how they believe the program is running.
Analyze grade 9 attendance and test results and compare them to the same students in grade ten

Who responsible:

How will the information be interpreted—by whom?
I will interpret the information by compiling answers and looking for consistency

What did you learn? What are the limitations?
Some of the responses could be subjective, from both the teachers in the program, and from the students. There are many variables that can determine a response; grade 9 students may not be the most reflective when it comes to their learning and motivations.
Teachers of the program may be biased because they started it and are so close to it.

               Use the Information

How will the evaluation be communicated and shared?
To whom
When/where/how to present
Teachers of the program
Present reports on data and how students perceive the program and what is happening in reality.
Present reports on data and how students perceive the program and what is happening in reality.

Next steps?
Show this to the teachers of the Grade 9 Learning Community to determine where the gaps are

          Manage the evaluation                 Standards
Reports will be anonymous
Human subject’s protection


Management chart




None Needed