Thursday, February 7, 2013

Assignment #4 - Logic Model





Statement of the overall purpose of the project
Specific statements of what the project sets out to accomplish
Specific tasks to complete through implementation of the project
Immediate results (direct products of project activities)
Intermediate results (1 to 3 years after project starts)
Long-term results (3 to 10 years after project starts)
To increase achievement  rates in grade 9 students

To improve attendance in grade 9 students.

To build resiliency in grade 9 students by establishing relationships with one main teacher.
Students will attend more regularly because of one teacher tracking them.( 3 year pilot)

Students’ achievement will increase based on improved attendance (3 year pilot)

Students will understand the value of attendance and success and take these skills with them to grade 10 when they are not in specific groupings. (1 year)
Students will feel a sense of responsibility based on relationships established – between students, teachers, and parents.
Establish the program as 3 year pilot project

Identify 5 teachers who are willing to teach all subjects to one group of grade 9 students all day

Organize preliminary reading tests (Gray Silent Reading Test (GSRT)) – to administer in fall

Organize math assessments – to administer in fall

Retests in spring

Create portfolios and evaluation plans for each student

Train all teachers in Assessment for Learning techniques (AFL) with Anne Davies

Track attendance over the 3 year period and compare to attendance for grade 9 students in the past.

Attendance will improve in all classes.

Test scores will improve

Homework will be regularly completed.

Attitudes towards school will improve
Students will feel more of a sense of accountability because there is one teacher who is keeping track of them.

Students will stay enrolled in school.

Students will realize more success in grades 10, 11, and 12

Students will set a goal to graduate

Students will establish relationships with peers and teachers that will assist in their future success.
Students will graduate

Students will seek post-secondary education because they see the value of education

Students will be contributing members of society
Goals and Objectives represent the Strategic Directions of your Project
Activities comprise the Project Work Plan, which should include details for each activity (Who?, What?, When?, Where? How?)
Outputs link directly to project activities; activities are what is done…outputs are the expected results of what is done
Outcomes relate to your objectives; objectives are desired, outcomes are the expected results
Impacts relate to goals; a goal is desired, impacts are the expected end-results

This logic model outlines information that I have gathered about the program so far. The information mainly came from talking to teachers who have been involved in the process since the initial start up. While this was originally set up as a three year pilot project by the Saskatoon Public School Division, the initial data proved that it was highly successful in retaining kids; consequently, the division cancelled the pilot status and allowed it to continue without parameters from the division. Data was tracked the first year, and the results were encouraging; before the program, failure rates (failing at least on class) were at 50% before the program. Once the program was implemented, this number decreased dramatically. Test scores were also compared from fall and spring and results were positive. There has been no data tracked since the first couple of years, and there is no data to indicate whether the program’s benefits carried on to the following years. There is a concern that while the program shelters the grade 9 students and is overall quite positive for them, the benefits are not carrying through to the remaining years in high school. There is data collected over a four year period, but nothing was done with it, so I do have resources to work with. Teachers in the program and past administration involved in the process are also a wealth of knowledge and are willing to provide any information needed.

1 comment:

  1. Somanta this is a great model and solid supporting information. I see the program in what you have shared. You address all the elements in sufficient detail. I believe that this will be very useful in guiding the development process around your program evaluation plan.

